
SMEs to contribute 50% to GDP by 2030

Did you know? Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have actually accounted for 98.5% of business entities throughout Malaysia? They contributed 37% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2017 and the government believes and has targeted that they contribute...

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E payments and how it helps my business

E payments and e wallets are the new trend in this day and age. Companies are picking up this cashless alternative in their businesses, allowing smoother daily operations and cash flow and saves valuable time. There are many benefits of online payments for both the...

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SMEs Financing in Malaysia

In 2018, Bank Negara conducted a survey to better understand the financial needs of SMEs. According to the survey, approximately 1530 SMEs participated which covered firm and entrepreneur characteristics, business performance and challenges, as well as access to...

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What SME financing is all about

In 2018, Bank Negara conducted a survey to better understand the financial needs of SMEs. According to the survey, approximately 1530 SMEs participated which covered firm and entrepreneur characteristics, business performance and challenges, as well as access to...

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3 keys to being successful at work

The dreams of being an entrepreneur are easy to imagine. Being your own boss, earning lots of money, and being flexible with your own time is what everyone aspires to have. However, managing your business along with a full team under your supervision is definitely...

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Managing stress at work

After you start working, you’re bound to face tremendous amounts of stress and worries when you’re in the workplace. It’s important to take care of your health while earning your keep, as money can’t replace a life. Here are a few ways for you to manage and ease your...

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Causes of burnout in the working environment

Causes of burnout in the working environment

Causes of burnout in a working environment? Meetings and excessive collaboration What is excessive collaboration? Excessive collaboration occurs when employees are too frequently involved in meetings, conference calls, and work related issues until they grow...

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How to be thrifty and save money!

How to be thrifty and save money!

Everybody has the same issue of being unable to save money. After paying bills, rent, and other miscellaneous responsibilities, you are most probably left with only enough money for food, groceries, or even entertainment occasionally. Most of the time though, by the...

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Be a smart traveller!

Be a smart traveller!

Travel cheap! Here are a few tips and tricks on how to save money when on a trip!   Do Your Research Before going on a trip to an unknown place or a foreign land, do your research. I cannot express this enough when I say it’s so much easier to know about the...

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Starting small businesses with low finances

Starting small businesses with low finances

Want to start out a business but have doubts due to very little capital or none at all? Well, it isn’t impossible on starting a business without investments but it will take much hard work that you know will be worth it in the end. Do better than other businesses. The...

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